Watchers (also known as WW throughout this article), the
famous diet and weight loss program that promotes a point system for meals in
food in order to help dieters keep track of their food intake, recently decided
to revamp their point system. This new point system is called Weight
Watchers Points Plus.
Although the old
point system, typically called simply Points, is still available in older books
and recipes, the new system is now what the official Weight
Watchers Program uses. This new program is both online, in books,
recipe pamphlets, and other WW material. Although the system of counting points
remained unchanged, the revamped program introduced several new key features
that require a little getting used to. Normally we decided to try the new Weight Watchers Points PlusProgram and
see how it compared to the original program's system.
Whether you’re
brand new to Weight Watchers, or you’re having a few hiccups, follow these
basic principles.
your PointsPlus Target
the PointsPlus values of the food you eat
the stores
a new fruit bowl
where your tools are
The biggest
difference is how the points of each meal or food are tallied. Originally, it
was mainly the caloric content of a meal or food that determined how many
points the meal or food was. With the Weight
Watchers Points PlusProgram, the formula is now determined by how
nutritional the food is. For example, under the old system, a meal could be low
in calorie but high in sugar, fat, or nutritionally empty preservatives and
still only count as a few points.
Under the new
system, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, and fiber content
are all important along with the total number of calories in determining the
total number of points in a food or meal. We find that this new Weight Watchers Points Plus Formulais
superior to the old formula because it puts the focus on the overall
nutritional value of the food, and not simply the number of calories. The
program also explains that calories from nutritionally superior food are often
processed better by your body, making them less likely to remain around and
become fat stores.
Another new feature
is the completely new point ranges. The point ranges have been raised overall.
This is mainly because the WW Points
Plus program assigns higher number of points to foods and meals, now that
the focus is less on calories and more on the overall nutritional soundness of
a meal. We also believe this is part of a mental confidence booster. For us, it
feels better to have 30 points (new system) instead of 18 (old system) even if
technically we are going to be eating the same meals and foods to reach both
One change that
might frustrate WW followers is the removal of the daily target range
calculations from their books. For someone to find their daily point range now,
they must attend a WW meeting, purchase access to their online program, or
purchase a Weight
Watchers Calculator. This is the last option, which can be regarded as
the best. Purchasing the calculator is a onetime buy, and it will help you in
the WW program in more ways than one.
Finally, Us Health Real Solutions is full of
people who are succeeding, struggling, and everything in between, just like
you. Who knows what nuggets of advice you’ll stumble across? So contact us for Weight Watchers Point Plus Program!